
Special town meeting results

SANGERVILLE — At least 67 residents met in the fire station for two hours on Sept. 17 for a special town meeting to consider eight issues of importance.

After electing State Sen. Paul Davis to serve as moderator, the voters quickly approved three warrant articles authorizing $500 to replace missing window panes in the Town Hall, increasing the budget for conducting elections by $750 because of the extra school elections and the special town meeting, and increasing the town’s contribution to the new Sangerville Roll of Honor by $1,600.

At the March annual town meeting the electorate approved the purchase of two heat pumps, one each for the town offices and the library. Efficiency Maine subsequently eliminated and then lowered the mount of the rebates that the town was expecting. A warrant article was approved at the meeting to increase the amount the town would pay for heat pumps by $500 to make up for the decrease in the rebate program.

A warrant article calling for $10,000 to be added to the legal services budget engendered considerable discussion but was approved by one vote by ballot. Another warrant article to appropriate $3,000 for the purchase of ATV road signage also was contested and by ballot was approved by a one-vote margin.

The erosion occurring at the boat landing on Manhanock Pond by the recreation fields was also discussed thoroughly. A sum of $1,000 was approved to be used to reshape and repair the boat landing load to prevent continued erosion and runoff. It was also made apparent that additional work may be needed in the future and that the town should explore state funding.

The final warrant article approved was a revision to the E-911 system for determining road addresses. The warrant as approved corrected an error in the previous ordinance that reversed the numbering system already in place in the town.


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