Grange awards Minnie Welts Bridge
PARKMAN — The Parkman Grange awarded three Parkman college students 2015 Minnie Welts Bridge Memorial Scholarships of $500 for the 2015-16 school year.
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SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS — Parkman Grange Master Sue Manchester presents 2015 Minnie Welts Bridge Scholarship checks to Parkman students Brooke Merrill, center, and Kelly Bussell at the July 18 scholarship supper. Whitney Arno also received a scholarship.
Winners were Brooke Morrill, a business administration major at Husson University in Bangor; Whitney Arno, a nursing major at Husson; and, Kelly Bussell, a communications sciences and disorders major and psychology (double) major at the University of Maine, Orono.
Awards were made at the fourth annual Minnie Welts Bridge Memorial Scholarship Supper on Saturday, July 18. Donations collected at the supper will go toward 2016 scholarships.