Annual Quilt Show
Observer photo/Jeannette Hughes
28TH ANNUAL QUILT SHOW — For nearly three decades the Atkinson Lady Quilters have showcased members’ talents with a quilt show at the Atkinson United Methodist Church, and this year’s event “It’s a Tea Party” took place on July 18. The original members who began the show were Barbara Richards and Phyllis Smith and they were joined by Helen Kinney, Dot Andrews, Dot and Jeannette Speed, all from Atkinson. Richards and Smith took classes during the winter in Brooksville, Fla. and when returned to Maine in the spring they taught the others what they learned over the winter. The theme for this year’s show was “It’s A Tea Party”. Pictured with the “Card Trick” quilt, which was raffled off, are organizers Linda Roebuck, left, and Martha Andrews.
Observer photo/Jeannette Hughes
IT’S A TEA PARTY — The Atkinson Lady Quilters’ 28th annual quilt show was held on July 18 at the Atkinson United Methodist Church. The 2015 show theme was “It’s a Tea Party” and this teddy bear was ready.