
Spruce Run-Womancare Alliance offers hotline training

By Ginger Hutchins
Volunteer Program Coordinator

    DOVER-FOXCROFT — Beginning April 21, the Alliance will offer its hotline training in Piscataquis County at our 8 Mechanic Street office in Dover-Foxcroft.

    Volunteer from the comfort of your own home and provide critical support and individualized safety planning over the phone or assist us during the regular work day in one of our offices, either in Dover-Foxcroft or in the Bangor office.
    This is a comprehensive 40-hour training for paid and unpaid staff. The training prepares one to be an advocate for those with issues around abuse.
    Advocates provide information to callers on the hotline about the dynamics of domestic abuse, the effects of family violence on children, relevant legal and social issues, safety planning and crisis intervention.
    Advocates support and validate a caller’s feelings, identify and explore options, make referrals for other needed services and do safety planning. The training is presented in 12 three-hour sessions.
    This training will meet from 4 to 7 p.m. the first night. At that time we will determine the days and times that will work best for the participants.
    This could be a daytime or an evening training. We want to accommodate everyone who wants to participate in this training as best we can.
    Please call Ginger at 564-8166 or email her at ginger@wmncare.org. for more information.

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