
Preparing for ‘semi-open’ primary

To the Editor;

Parties are holding caucuses, and Maine’s first-ever “semi-open” primary is about a month away. This year unenrolled, or so-called  “Independent” voters can join Democrats & Republicans in voting on March 5. This is great news for Independents, who are the largest voting  block in our state.

If other registered voters want to participate there is still time, but some leg work is involved. Green, Libertarian, or No Labels voters need to visit their town office 15 days prior to Super Tuesday. They can change  their registration to “Unenrolled” to have a say in the primary. But don’t  wait until Feb. 19 … it’s Presidents’ Day, so your town office might be closed. Plan to make the change by Friday, Feb. 16 to participate in this first-of-its-kind state primary. 

The registration can be changed back in three months, but the June  6 primary will be coming right up. Voters might want to have the flexibility to have a say in both the March presidential race and June’s state primaries. It’s a great opportunity to really turn out the vote!  

Sue Griffith 


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