
Please research NECEC

To the Editor;

I am sick of all the negative talk about the New England Clean Energy Connect project. Let’s balance out the misinformation campaign by looking at this much-needed alternative energy source.

Right now, Maine is more reliant on energy from oil and gas than any of our New England neighbors. The NECEC helps alleviate that dependence by bringing clean, renewable hydropower directly into Maine. 

Perhaps you’ve heard that Maine ratepayers won’t benefit from the NECEC. Well, that’s a lie. The truth is, the project will deliver enough renewable energy to power nearly 70,000 Maine homes. 

The deal Hydro-Québec has offered comes with $140 million in direct rate relief for all state residents, as well as an additional $50 million for the poorest Mainers. Our electric grid will receive $200 million in modernizing upgrades. The deal has $10 million earmarked to promote tourism here, as well. 

Oh, and Mainers won’t pay a wooden nickel for all of this. The bill will fall to Hydro-Québec and Massachusetts ratepayers.

I believe that when Mainers learn the truth about the NECEC, they will support it as I do. Please do your own research. Don’t base your opinion on the lies being paid for by the same oil and gas companies who profit handsomely from stopping clean energy from coming into Maine. 

Larry Dunphy


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