Bangor Daily News photo/Troy R. Bennett
KENDUSKEAG STREAM RACE -- Two boats jockey for position atop Six Mile Falls in Bangor on April 17 during the 54th Kenduskeag Stream Canoe Race.
Local paddlers in Kenduskeag Stream Canoe Race
Four residents from the region took part in the 54th annual Kenduskeag Stream Canoe Race on April 17, paddling about 12 miles from Kenduskeag Village to downtown Bangor.
Jeff Sands of Dexter came in second among 17 entrants in the Kayak 1 Person (any length) division. Sands finished in a time of 3 hours, 13 minutes and 49 seconds.
Oliver Degnan and Ben Foster, both of LaGrange, finished 12th among a field of 23 pairs in the Canoe 2 Person Experienced class. Degnan and Foster combined for a time of 4:07.07.
Matthew Thibodeau of Exeter and Evan Livonius of Etna came in 40th, among 40, in the Canoe 2 Person Recreation division at 5:47.13.
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