Give me a break
To the Editor;
The BDN’s March 13 editorial called President Trump’s urgency “welcome.” Give me a break! Welcome? This urgency should have been displayed months ago when President Trump was first briefed on COVID-19 and downplayed it!
We need: immediate free universal testing for all suspected cases, immediate free universal care for all confirmed and pending cases, immediate unemployment compensation for all those who have lost paychecks as a result, immediate $1 trillion investment in a Green New Deal, and rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure that Trump and the GOP have long delayed.
More corporate welfare in any form, including any payroll tax cut which is half paid by corporations who should be flush with the $2 trillion in tax cuts we already handed them! Oh, right, they handed that to their shareholders — 60 percent of Americans have little or no savings — and their wealthy executives!
John Albertini