Thanks from community luncheon organizers
To the Editor;
There was plenty of food and conversation and some rousing tunes at the free community luncheon offered at the Brownville Junction American Legion Building on Thursday, April 25. The event was sponsored by the members of St. John’s Episcopal Church and supported by the Brownville Junction American Legion and the Ladies Auxiliary.
Approximately 60 people attended the luncheon offered solely to bring members of the community together. There was no charge. There was no cause to donate to. This is the second annual free meal offered by St. John’s and this one was more successful than last year’s event. Even though the menu was simple — a variety of soups/chowders/chili, sandwiches and homemade desserts — people seemed to enjoy themselves. Following the meal the Notables sang a number of “old time” songs and encouraged the attendees to sing along with them.
The church members thank those outside the church who assisted by cooking or serving and they thank the Notables for sharing their gift of music.
Susan Worcester