Living in a fantasy world
To the Editor;
With the recent tragedy in New Zealand, Hollywood elitists approved of the recent enactment of stricter gun control in that country. This from a group of writers, directors and actors that spend their lives in a fantasy world.
Think about it for a moment: They create, produce or work in a world of false reality, created for the consumption of others, often involving extreme violence.
Most often they are living behind walled estates for protection, oh sorry, privacy. Undoubtedly with some type of security. Yet, they acclaim loudly the removal of defense available to others.
Certainly the tragedies need to stop; innocent people need not fear to go about their everyday lives.
Removal of the right to own a firearm is not the answer. Better education and training has made great leaps in a number of other areas, so perhaps some effort should be directed to gun education and training.
A person without the right and means to defend themselves will soon be conquered. Or perhaps this is the idea.
Alvin McDonald