
RSU 68 communities could see savings in next year’s budget

By Stuart Hedstrom 
Staff Writer

    DOVER-FOXCROFT — Several months ago residents of RSU 68 gave their approval to a 2013-14 school budget of $9,792,467, made up of about $4.8 million from local revenue sources and nearly $4,969,500 in state contributions.

    “As you know we went through our budget process, it was a good budget but not without its challenges,” RSU 68 Superintendent Alan Smith said during an Aug. 6 school board meeting. He explained one challenge faced during the development of the spending plan was the possibility of receiving less money from the state than in previous years due to proposed reductions in revenue sharing.
    Smith explained a greater amount of revenue was given to Maine school systems than had been projected earlier, but not until some, such as RSU 68, had already passed the 2014 academic year budgets. He said a bill in the Legislature was brought forward to allow school boards to adjust their budgets immediately, but the measure not did pass by the needed two-thirds majority.
    “After we go through the budget process this coming year, we can enact that formula so each community will actually be raising less,” Smith said as the greater revenue monies can be used to assist the four towns making up RSU 68.
    According to the information presented by Smith at the meeting, the total figure of adjustments for the district would be $127,400. This amount breaks down into potential savings, in the amount that needs to be raised for the 2014-15 budget, of approximately $76,163 for Dover-Foxcroft, $17,875 for Sebec, $16,813 for Monson and $16,550 for Charleston.
    For the current school year Dover-Foxcroft’s share of the budget is over $2.47 million, while Sebec’s is nearly $580,000, Monson’s is slightly more than $545,000 and the portion for Charleston is approximately $537,000.
    In other business, the directors approved the SeDoMoCha Middle School fall sports positions which per the contract are reopened annually and are all paid for via stipends. Ashley Jackins will be the athletic director, Gayle Allen the field hockey coach, David Murray the boys soccer coach, Christopher Wesley the girls soccer coach, Ryan Nickerson the cross country coach while Ryan Dankert will be the head football coach and Michael Niles the assistant coach.
    The school board voted on its two positions for 2013-14, with Rick Johnston being reelected as board chair. Jenny Chase will be the vice chair.
    The regular meetings of the RSU 68 directors are held on the first Tuesday of each month, but the session in December will take place on Tuesday, Dec. 10 instead of the week before to accommodate parent/teacher conferences.

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