Greenville Grove Subdivision public forum set for Sept. 3
GREENVILLE — Last month the Greenville Planning Board heard a proposal concerning nearly 60 acres of land in Greenville Junction off North Green Street, on the peninsula going into Moosehead Lake on the eastern shore of the West Cove, to be developed into the Greenville Grove Subdivision.
On Aug. 7 the planning board conducted a site visit with developer Rodney Folsom Jr., broker/owner of the Folsom Realty Group, and during an Aug. 21 board meeting a public forum was scheduled for 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 3 at the town office.
“As you know approval of subdivisions is a 7-step process for the planning board,” Chair John Contreni said, saying the site visit was one of the steps. “The next step is to have a public forum if we think one is warranted.”
Code Enforcement Office Ron Sarol said he sent out 75 abutter letters. “I have had 40 phone calls, at least, starting just two days after I sent the letters out,” he said. Sarol said there may be some misunderstandings about the project, so these may be clarified next week.
Many of the responders said they would like to take part in a forum, including some over Zoom, so the recommendation was made to have the item be held a different night instead of as part of the next regular planning board meeting (which would be at 5 o’clock on Wednesday, Sept. 4).
When asked, Sarol said Folsom Jr. is still working on the survey in order for the document to be fully complete.
During the July 17 meeting Folsom Jr. said some abutters are interested in purchasing land from him to provide extra space for privacy around their existing properties and won’t ultimately be part of the Greenville Grove Subdivision. He mentioned a figure of 15 lots in the area, with acreage sizes to vary.
“It’s nice private land in town, I plan on keeping roughly 12 acres myself to build our primary residence there,” Folsom Jr. said.