Shocked by Dexter health care closure
To the Editor;
I was shocked to learn that Dexter Internal Medicine is closing and being relocated. Dr. Robert Lodato, a board certified internist, his nurse practitioner and an able staff have competently served the community for many years in a building located next to the former Plummer Memorial Hospital. My father, Dr. Hans Shurman, served the Dexter area for over 40 years as a general practitioner and two other physicians served here as well during that time.
There were some politics involved in Plummer’s closure with Mayo Regional surviving and Dexter left with some medical services like X-ray, lab facilities and later a medical office staffed by different physicians over the years. No one would have envisioned the town left with no medical practitioner affiliated with a community hospital.
I think of the many senior citizens who will find it difficult to travel out of town for their medical care, who don’t have or can’t afford transportation to see their doctor and may end up at the Northern Light emergency room.
Valerie Shurman Silverman