
 Plant paddle on Sebec Lake

The Sebec Lake Association, together with the Lake Stewards of Maine, will host a plant paddle workshop on Tuesday, Aug. 6 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Peaks-Kenny State Park. LSMis a leader in training and certification in lake stewardship.  Pre-registration for the event is required.

In this outdoor, on-water class, guests will learn how to survey a water body for suspicious aquatic plants. This useful program will cover basic botany, plant structure, and life cycles for a variety of common aquatic plants.  Guests will learn how to use LSM’s Quick Key to identify possible invasives, how to monitor lakes for invasives and how to report findings by becoming certified as an invasive plant patrol volunteer. This class is required for those seeking Tier 1 certification through LSM.  

The class is free to all. Guests may bring their own small, shallow draft craft (canoe, kayak, rowboat). Should guests wish to attend but do not have their own watercraft, appropriate arrangements can be made. Personal floating devices/lifejackets are required for any guest participating in the paddle. 


Photo courtesy of Lake Stewards of Maine
PLANT PADDLE — Volunteers during a plant paddle. The Sebec Lake Association together with the Lake Stewards of Maine will host a plant paddle workshop on Tuesday, Aug. 6 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Peaks-Kenny State Park.

Pre-registration is required for all guests. Please sign up by visiting

Upon registration, all guests will receive information on workshop details.  

Aquatic invasive plants pose an environmental, economic and health risk to Maine lakes. To date, invasive aquatic plant species have been identified in 38 Maine lakes. Changing weather patterns, a warming climate and increased recreational visits pose a threat to the high quality of the state’s lake resources. Lakes are also an important economic engine for the state, with visits accounting for an estimated $7.5 billion in consumer expenditures each year.  

Early detection is of paramount importance to achieving a better outcome once an invasive is identified in a water body. Left unchecked, invasives become virtually impossible to eradicate.     

This is a call for volunteers who care about the lake environment and want to be part of the solution ensuring that the same lakes and ponds enjoyed today are available for future generations.    

Sebec Lake Association is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization which works to preserve and protect Sebec Lake. For more information visit

Lake Stewards of Maine is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization which works to protect Maine Lakes and to promote lake stewardship through widespread citizen participation in the gathering and dissemination of credible scientific information pertaining to lake health. For more information, please contact 207-783-7733, email or visit

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