Still not sure if Golden supports Biden
To the Editor;
I have more questions than answers after reading U.S. Rep. Jared Golden’s opinion piece in the Bangor Daily News and Piscataquis Observer where he predicts a Donald Trump victory. Golden calls the very public concerns about President Joe Biden’s mental acuity mere “hand-wringing.” Should we not be concerned when our president looks physically and mentally unfit to lead our nation?
Curiously, this is Golden’s only mention of Biden’s mental health in the entire piece, choosing instead to focus his efforts on building a bridge between a Trump victory and another Golden term. To me, this isn’t about Golden addressing the very real issues of our current president, but rather looking to protect his political future in a district President Trump won.
But in some ways, the signs were there all along. This is the same Jared Golden who has mostly stood with Joe Biden for the last three and a half years. He has largely supported Biden’s agenda, flown with him, and appeared at events together.
Sandra Mason