My mail takes a tour of Maine
To the Editor;
For yet another example of why the U.S. Postal Service needs a major change in leadership, look no further than the tracking history of a package I’ve been waiting for. The package was shipped from Winterport to Exeter, a distance of only 25 miles. The post office has had possession of the package since 4:31 p.m. May 22. As of May 25, the post office still couldn’t tell me when I would receive the package, or exactly where it was.
The small team at our local post office is awesome and represents the backbone of what is right about the local post offices. However, when restructuring decisions are made that potentially remove existing resources like some operations at the Hampden processing facility from the list of those allowed to handle packages, Mainers may be left looking in empty mailboxes.
And it seems that my five-pound package is now on a tour of Maine.
Mark Nicholas