
This is my diary of a worn-out deer hunter

By Chris Sargent

For most of us dedicated, dyed-in-the-wool Maine deer hunters, the 2023 season has truly been a test of our wardrobes, patience, fortitude and tenacity. 

For some lucky hunters, it was short and oh so sweet. For others, though, as the last few bitterly cold deer-less sunsets faded, so did hope for a punched tag. 

It’s very difficult to stay optimistically focused in those final hours as reality sets in and the season slips away for another year. 

Photo courtesy of Chris Sargent
BRANCH — This is the branch that got in the way of my shot with the muzzleloader.

I now consider myself a veteran of such circumstances and as such, have had to reevaluate my measure of success to include heavier emphasis on memories and experiences rather than antlers and meat. 

The following are selected entries from this year’s “Deer Diary,” which I’ve chosen to share in esprit de corps through a look back at a worn-out deer hunter’s season.

October 27, 2023

Opening day eve

Deer Diary, 

I wonder which one of the 15 bucks we have on trail cameras I’ll shoot tomorrow. I hope it’s the big, tall 8-point. He’s been right under my stand three days in a row. I might take one of the other 8-points or maybe the small-racked 9-point if any of them step out though. I’m too excited to sleep. Opening day is better than Christmas morning! The wind looks great for the stand but it’s supposed to be warm. I just hope it’s not too warm.  

October 28

Opening day 

Deer Diary,

Holy smokes, it was warm today! I think we set some record temperatures in the state, but it didn’t seem to affect the deer all that much. I passed up a small 4-point first thing this morning in the upper field, then another small buck this afternoon in the stand I put up last week on the ridge. He was chasing a group of five does and lambs and I had him broadside at 10 yards, but I’m holding out for something bigger. Haven’t seen so much activity this early in a long time. I love deer hunting! 

November 3

Deer Diary,

It’s been pretty slow the last few days. Hardly any activity and other than a couple tails during mid-day walks, I haven’t seen a thing. Trying to stay positive though. They say it can happen anytime. I think I’ll sit most of the day tomorrow on the ridge. 

November 4

Deer Diary,

I don’t know if I’ve ever been so cold in my life. Six miserable hours in the stand with temps in the low 30s and wind gusting to 25 mph. Not a deer in sight. I just don’t get it. Why do I even do this anyhow? Freezing half to death 15 feet up a tree waiting for a deer to stumble by. Whatever. I might as well try the ridge Monday morning instead of the afternoon to change it up a bit. 

November 6

Deer Diary,

I hate deer hunting. It’s stupid. I spooked a buck near the stand 45 minutes before legal time on my way in, then sat for 3 hours and didn’t see a thing. I play the wind, I’m quiet and I’m a stickler for scent control. I get in early, leave late, sit still and pay attention. I call, rattle, use appropriate scent strategies and do all the things, but nothing seems to be working. I just don’t get it. According to the Maine Deer Hunters Facebook page, big bucks are running around everywhere and the only thing folks need to do is find a stump, doe bleat a few times and wait 10 minutes for a smasher buck to nearly run them over. I can’t even seem to see so much as a lamb lately. That’s it. I’m deactivating my social media accounts, selling all my hunting gear and taking up something less stressful. Maybe golf? Polo shirts are comfortable and I do enjoy cold drinks and fresh cut grass. Yep, that’s it. I’m done. 

November 11

Deer Diary,

I absolutely love deer hunting! This morning, I went back to my roots and sat behind my parent’s house in Surry. Shortly after 6 a.m., I made a perfect 152-yard shot on a beautiful 135-pound doe. The best part was being able to share the morning with my father, who was excited to help with a quick tracking job and recovery. Plenty of time left to find a decent-sized buck! 

November 21

Deer Diary,

I wonder if Dick’s Sporting Goods is still running that sale on golf clubs? Despite hunting harder than ever, I haven’t seen an antler since the first week. At this point, with a few days left of rifle season, I’ll literally take anything with antlers. Is that too much to ask?

December 7

Deer Diary,

Yes. Apparently, it was too much to ask. Again, I was forced to break out my muzzleloader and still haven’t seen a single buck. The weather turned brutally cold and after yesterday afternoon’s sit 15 feet up a tree in 21-degree weather, I’m being encouraged by friends and family to seek clinical help for my addiction. I’m trying to remain optimistic, but with only two days left and very little deer activity, finding a buck seems like a fairly ambitious goal. Maybe it will happen this afternoon though.

December 8

Deer Diary,

I’m officially the State of Maine’s unluckiest muzzleloader hunter. At 4:15 yesterday afternoon, I finally laid eyes on a beautiful buck as he snuck along a trail just a few yards into the woods from the field’s edge. I stopped him in a small opening at 80 yards, settled the crosshairs just behind his shoulder, fired and lost sight of him through the smoke. A lack of blood, hair or any sign of a hit left me completely baffled. But then, clear as day, there it was. My bullet had struck the one single little dead branch between us. Are you kidding me?! Unbelievable. I still gave it a solid search effort, but he left without a scratch. 

It’s alright, though. I’ve learned not to dwell on the disappointment and I still have a couple sits left. Instead, I’ll embrace the season for everything it was and what truly matters. My biggest doe ever, time with family and friends, mistakes to learn from, stories to tell and good reason to look even more forward to next season. 

I really do love deer hunting! 

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