GFWC Miosac Club holds first meeting of 2023
DOVER-FOXCROFT — The first GFW Miosac Club meeting of the new year was held on Jan. 3 at the Dover-Foxcroft Congregational Church.
President Minnie McCormick opened the meeting, but paused it so the pot luck supper could be enjoyed. Hostesses Roxy McGlauflin and Brenda Quiet had all the sweet and savory foods that were brought by the members on display and ready to eat. After a very nice supper and dessert McCormick re-opened the meeting. Ten members were present.
McCormick led the Club Collect, Pledge of Allegiance, and the American Creed.

Secretary Diane Leighton did a roll call followed by the secretary’s report. She reported that nine members and three guests went to play Bingo on Jan. 5 at the Veterans Hall. It was the last time Dave Leighton and his wife Diane Leighton would be preparing and serving supper there after many, many years. The GFWC honored them with a gift.
Corresponding Secretary McGlauflin read thank you’s for donations the club made to the Boy Scouts of America, the Masons and the Leightons. GFWC Chair Kathy White’s thank you was for the club participating in GFWC ME’s high school essay scholarship contest.
Advisory Committee representative Quiet reported that the next meeting was set for Jan. 17 and the program is on Pine Tree Hospice. Please bring in old stationery, paper, stamps to donate to Pine Tree Hospice.
Anne Cress, lookout chair reported no new illnesses.

Publicity Chair Vicki Moschella, reported the induction ceremony was printed in the Piscataquis Observer before Christmas.
The treasurer’s report by Suzanne Raymond was read and accepted.
Old business:
Raymond said the directory is being printed and we will get them by our next meeting.
Volunteer hour sheets are due.
Vice President Wendy Hutchins reported the Masonic raffle of donated Christmas trees was a huge success. They raffled 22 trees and three wreaths and made $30,000! The fences that went around each tree were made by inmates at the Charleston Correctional Facility. Everyone has been asked to be a part of the event next year.
Hutchins also reported the Dover-Foxcroft Kiwanis kids Christmas initiative was also very successful. The GFWC Miosac Club had a boy aged14 and a 16-year-old girl. Cathie Goodine and Hutchins did the shopping.
New business:
A local scholarship application for family members available soon. The committee will be Rheba Michaud, Hutchins, and Leighton.
The club will participate in an art contest for Foxcroft Academy working with a new art instructor, Martha Ladd. McCormick and Raymond will chair.