GFWC Miosac Club news
DOVER-FOXCROFT — The GFWC Miosac Club met on Nov. 15. President Minnie McCormick opened the meeting and asked Anne Cress to lead the Club Collect, the Pledge Allegiance, and the American’s Creed.
McCormick thanked the hostesses of this meeting for all their preparations. They are Betsey Ryan, Laurie Ducat,and Wendy Hutchins.
Diane Leighton led the roll call and there were 13 members present and three guests.

INDUCTEES — From left, GFWC Miosac Club new inductee Lorna Holman and her sponsor Laurie Ducat, President Minnie McCormick, new inductees Kathy Ryder and Ramona Parsell, and their sponsor Brenda Quiet.
Leighton read the secretary’s report. It was accepted and filed.
Corresponding Secretary Roxy McGlauflin read a note from the Piscataquis Regional YMCA. Vicki Moschella read an email from Vickie Parsons reporting on her health. Cress also reported as lookout chair that she had spoken to Parsons as well.
Suzanne Raymond read the treasurer’s report, report filed.
President’s report: McCormick inducted three new members. Lorna Holman sponsored by Laurie Ducat. Kathy Ryder and Ramona Parsell sponsored by Brenda Quiet. They all received a club pin, booklet and miscellaneous information. We are now a club of 19 members!

HOSTESSES — The GFWC Miosac Club meeting hostesses, from left, Betsey Ryan, Laurie Ducat and Wendy Hutchins. Photo by Vicki Moschella.
Brenda Quiet of the advisory committee reported that for the Christmas party we are to bring presents for teens. Our annual Christmas party will be on Dec. 6.
Moschella reported the newspaper article on our club will be in the Piscataquis Observer.
For unfinished business Ryan reported she is close to finishing the local business directory.
Hutchins asked for some volunteer “elves” to purchase presents for two children for Kiwanis Christmas. Volunteers are Ducat, Holman, Rheba Michaud, and Hutchins.
New business: Raymond explained volunteer hour sheets and how to record them, explained arm chair projects. She welcomed the three new members.
McCormick adjourned and turned the meeting over to our hostesses for coffee and snacks.
Cathie Goodine gave a program about preparing for when you are gone.