Food baskets available for veterans and spouses
MILO — Veterans and their spouses residing in Piscataquis County who are in need are able to receive a free Thanksgiving food basket courtesy of Wilderness Walk for Warriors. Saturday, Nov. 12 will feature a luncheon, presentation by the organization, and basket distribution at American Legion Post 41, 18 West Main Street, all starting at 10 a.m.
Each basket has enough food to feed a family of four for approximately one week. Recipients do not need to be a member of the American Legion in order to receive a basket.
Please reach out by Saturday, Nov. 5 to ensure there is enough for all. Call the Post at 207-943-9135 and leave a message or stop by when open; send a Facebook message to “Joseph P. Chaisson American Legion Post 41” on Facebook; email milolegionpost41@gmail.com; call Randy Kluj at 207-943-5509; or call Danny Nutter at 207-943-6850.