Dr. Evans deserves another term
To the Editor;
Dr. Richard Evans represents District 31 in the Maine House (Atkinson, Brownville, Dover-Foxcroft, Lake View, Medford, Milo, and Orneville) and deserves our votes for another term.
There are many problems with the healthcare system today and this is why we need a physician like Dr. Richard Evans in the Maine Legislature. Among the bills which he introduced and which were passed is a bill which will provide “Easy Enrollment” for uninsured people in Maine Care or other health insurance. Another bill establishes a drug recovery center in each county. Other bills increase revenue sharing to towns and increase the state’s share of school funding.
Dr. Evans is experienced, persuasive, and cooperative to get things done. He has demonstrated his leadership as chief of the medical staff at Mayo Hospital and previously at a U.S. military hospital, as well as past president of the Maine Medical Association. We are fortunate to have representing us a person with his overall experience as well as insider knowledge of the healthcare system. A vote for Dr. Evans is a vote for the health of our area, including the financial “health” of our many struggling families and retirees, people who need heating assistance or food assistance, etc.
David P Frasz MD