Contributed photo
FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS — Andrea Thurlow presents a check and food items to Pete Johnson of the American Legion Food Pantry in Greenville with John Contreni beside him.
Contributed photo
FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS — Andrea Thurlow presents a check and food items to Pete Johnson of the American Legion Food Pantry in Greenville with John Contreni beside him.
Piscataquis County Democrats collecting to feed hungry families
Piscataquis County Democrats continue to address the needs of hungry families through food drives and monetary donations. In September two Greenville food pantries were each the recipients of $200 checks as well as boxes of cereal, jars of peanut butter and other food staples.
Members of our community are encouraged to help our neighbors by dropping off non-perishable food items and financial donations at the Piscataquis County Democrats Headquarters in Dover-Foxcroft at 25 North Street across from the Edwards Shop n’ Save. The office is open from 6 to 8 p.m. on Wednesday evenings and from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays. Friendly faces will greet you as we work together to help provide for families in our local communities.
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