UMaine-Farmington graduates
FARMINGTON – The University of Maine at Farmington proudly celebrated a festive, in-person Commencement ceremony May 7 for the Class of 2022. More than 310 of the 350-plus bachelor’s and master’s degree graduates marched to the traditional sounds of bagpipes at the open-air celebration. UMF President Edward Serna, UMF faculty, administrators, dignitaries and families gave the graduates a rousing round of applause.
Local graduates are Dover Foxcroft: Charlotte Jolin, B.S., elementary education, Summa Cum Laude; and Gabrielle Jolin, B.S., secondary education – English, Summa Cum Laude;
Exeter: Alyssa Harris, B.S., elementary education, Magna Cum Laude;
Guilford: Jenifer Goulette, M.S., special education; and
Milo: Mitchell Carey, B.A., business economics.