Community helps CA Dean meet $500,000 campaign challenge
Grant from donor matched every donation and encouraged campaign support
GREENVILLE — The Northern Light CA Dean Hospital Preserving the Promise Capital Campaign Committee announced on Nov. 18 a $500,000 Community Challenge Match has been met thanks to nearly 100 donations from individuals, local businesses, hospital employees, and grateful patients.
Launched in early July, the Community Challenge from a generous donor matched every gift from individuals and local businesses dollar-for-dollar. The $1 million raised through the Challenge brings the campaign to support the Moosehead Lake Region’s new hospital to the $4.3 million mark, more than 69 percent of the $6.2 million campaign goal.
The $500,000 Community Challenge Match goal was met more than six weeks ahead of the end-of-year deadline. Laurie Muzzy, campaign co-chairperson, attributes the success to the community’s excitement about the future of healthcare in Greenville and passion for the new hospital project.
“This was an incredible opportunity to help us gain support. Meeting the Community Match Challenge is one of many milestones we will get to celebrate during the campaign,” said Muzzy. “Now it’s time to raise the remaining $1.9 million to reach our overall $6.2 million campaign goal. We look forward to connecting with others in our communities who are passionate about preserving the promise of outstanding local healthcare.”
The Challenge gained momentum from a recent CA Dean employee and physician campaign to support the match opportunity.
“This was truly a community effort. This hospital means so much to every person who walks through our doors, including patients, visitors, and the team of caregivers and staff at CA Dean,” said Marie Vienneau, president of CA Dean Hospital. “We are grateful to every single person who helped us reach the Challenge goal — each gift, large and small, will help make our new hospital a reality.”
CA Dean’s modernization project has received state approval. Hospital staff are currently working with the architect to finalize the design and prepare to break ground in the spring of 2022. Progress toward reaching the overall $6.2 million Preserving the Promise campaign goal continues. The goal must be met in the next 12 months.
To learn more and support the campaign, please visit northernlight.org/CADeanPromise or call 207-695-5215.