Observer photo/Stuart Hedstrom
PULLING THEIR WEIGHT -- Driver Mike Kirkpatrick of Whitefield and R&R Windows of Easthampton, Massachusetts guides Henry and Howie to a first-place performance in the 3,200 class of the horse pull at the 134th Piscataquis Valley Fair in Dover-Foxcroft on Aug. 28. Kirkpatrick and the team earned top honors at a distance of 309 feet, 11 inches.
Observer photo/Stuart Hedstrom
PULLING THEIR WEIGHT -- Driver Mike Kirkpatrick of Whitefield and R&R Windows of Easthampton, Massachusetts guides Henry and Howie to a first-place performance in the 3,200 class of the horse pull at the 134th Piscataquis Valley Fair in Dover-Foxcroft on Aug. 28. Kirkpatrick and the team earned top honors at a distance of 309 feet, 11 inches.
Observer photo/Stuart HedstromPULLING THEIR WEIGHT — Driver Mike Kirkpatrick of Whitefield and R&R Windows of Easthampton, Massachusetts guides Henry and Howie to a first-place performance in the 3,200 class of the horse pull at the 134th Piscataquis Valley Fair in Dover-Foxcroft on Aug. 28.
Observer photo/Stuart Hedstrom PULLING THEIR WEIGHT — Driver Mike Kirkpatrick of Whitefield and R&R Windows of Easthampton, Massachusetts guides Henry and Howie to a first-place performance in the 3,200 class of the horse pull at the 134th Piscataquis Valley Fair in Dover-Foxcroft on Aug. 28. Kirkpatrick and the team earned top honors at a distance of 309 feet, 11 inches. Observer photo/Stuart Hedstrom GOING THE DISTANCE — Dusty Weymouth of Charleston won the 9,000-pound class during a farm tractor pull at the 134th annual Piscataquis Valley Fair in Dover-Foxcroft on Aug. 28. Weymouth came in first at just under 264 feet. Observer photo/Stuart Hedstrom SKILLET THROWING SKILL — Delani Bennett of Parkman earned top honors in the age 18-35 division of the Ladies Skillet Throw at the Piscataquis Valley Fair. Bennett’s throw measured 46 feet, 5 inches. Observer photo/Stuart Hedstrom AWAITING THE JUDGES’ SCORES — Entrants in the fun horse show wait while the judges tally scores during the competition Saturday at the Piscataquis Valley Fair. Observer photo/Stuart Hedstrom BEEF ON DISPLAY — The Youth Cattle Beef Show was among the many events making up the 134th Piscataquis Valley Fair in Dover-Foxcroft.
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