Class of seven completes Safe Sitter training
GUILFORD — On Friday, March 12 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Northern Light Mayo Hospital in association with Friends of Community Fitness provided Safe Sitter training along with CPR for infants, children and adults with AED use and first aid. Seven young ladies aged 12 to 15 learned how to care for children of all ages through multiple learning modalities offered by Beth Weatherbee R.N, B.S.N., M.Ed.
General indoor, outdoor, online and personal safety were covered. Hands-on skills such as preparing formula, feeding, burping were demonstrated and return demonstrations were performed by the students. Additional education was provided around suggested bedtime, entertainment, snacks including allergy recognition and hands-on skills such as diapering/toileting schedules, safety practices to prevent/treat choking and injury for all age groups were performed. Each student role-played accessing 911 and what information they would need readily available to help the 911 operator assist them to get advanced care to the residence they were babysitting at.
Business skills, resumes, accepting babysitting jobs, professionalism and letting one’s parents know who, what, where, when and mode of transportation were discussed. CPR and first aid courses through the American Heart Association were also taught.
A small closing ceremony was conducted and parents were invited to observe their students perform hands on skills, and see a poster presentation and three certificates earned by each student.

SAFE SITTERS — A class of seven completed a March 12 Safe Sitter course presented by Northern Light Mayo Hospital in association with Friends of Community Fitness of Guilford. Front, from left, Adriana Guthrie, Kaylyn Sargent and Lillian Makowski. Back, Ashley Ladd, Lily Kreisler, Noa Clark and Lilly Burgess.