
Intellectual consistency

To the Editor;

Gov. Mills, the Department of Economic and Community Development and the CDC. It is impossible to contact you for clarification. I pose this logic stream to the public in hopes that they might see through the madness of the government overreach that has been occurring this year and join me in my desire to affect change.

Proponents of 24/7, everywhere mask donning argue that this is a state of emergency and that government overreach is worth it if it saves even one life. Mask militants believe it is OK to crush people’s businesses and livelihoods and shame their neighbors because someone could be expelling deadly viruses. Certainly, one cannot deny that COVID-19 could cause an inflammatory reaction that could kill a person that is elderly, or already sick. In other words, COVID-19 could cause serious bodily injury,or death. The focal point is could in this paragraph.

Follow me here, using the same train of logic; Title 17-A subsection 107 in layman’s terms, justifies the use of deadly force when a law enforcement officer reasonably believes that there is threat of imminent use of deadly force upon themselves or a third party. Likewise, 17-A subsection 108 allows for private citizens to do similarly. In other words, if you reasonably believe someone is using deadly force you can defend yourself or others.

In this statute, one must reasonably believe that imminent deadly force is going to occur. In the “enforcement” section of the Governor’s mandate, it states that a law enforcement officer should enforce the order by “any means necessary.” It is not such a stretch for me to state that, according to Mills, her DECD, the CDC and any mask Stasi out there, not wearing one’s mask is tantamount to murder. A person that does not abide by the “guidelines” is putting everyone around them at risk of death and/or serious bodily injury. Therefore, police and private citizens should not just be arresting, fining or ratting on their neighbors for non-compliance. They should in fact be using deadly force upon the people that deny the science and defy the Executive Orders. There is a threat, stop the threat.

This train of logic should form a pretty simple dichotomy of thought. 

One must either agree that mask dissenters are vectors for a seriously deadly disease. This person must push for stricter sanctions, for rounding up or even shooting the non-compliant due to the risk that they pose to even ONE person, let alone the general public at large. To this person COVID-19 is the equivalent of the Zombie virus and we must take any and all measures to slow the spread.

Alternatively, the far more reasonable person might agree that; the use of deadly force in order to protect others because COVID-19 is going too far because COVID-19 is not as deadly as Mills and her bureaucrat friends claim that it is. We are not dealing with zombies or Ebola and the science is on my side here.

Before accusations of straw manning or hyperbolic speech occur, let me put it this way. Using the militant logic, if you ever had Influenza or a contagious upper respiratory infection; you killed somebody’s grandma. A person cannot and should not be held accountable for the spread of a virus. Especially one with such a low efficacy rate. Take California for instance; A person with AIDS (a serious, potentially deadly disease) is not legally obligated to inform their sexual partner of their medical diagnosis. Does anyone think that we should be carrying around our “papers” that say I’m COVID free?

The reality of COVID-19 (as reported by the CDC/WHO) is that .05 percent of all age ranges that catch COVID-19 will die of COVID-19. Another reality is that the other 99.95 percent will die from some other cause, at some point. 

COVID is a political fear tactic that has been pushed on the people in order to divide and control them and rob them of the freedoms they enjoy while they are alive. What happened to swine flu, bird flu, El Nino, global cooling, global warming, the housing bubble collapse, the threat of ISIS and Muslim terrorism, etc? They all ran their course, and the fear didn’t work. Why is this any different? If it isn’t obvious to you after almost a year then there is no swaying you. 

If you have some ability to rationalize the argument I just made, you will realize that the police are not enforcing these unenforceable and ineffective dictates because they know this isn’t a valid emergency. If they thought it was, they’d be shooting maskless people like it was “The Walking Dead.” I’m sorry, they’d be shooting rational people that believe in making their own risk based medical decisions such as the ability to expel their respiratory waste rather than lower their O2 saturation and impair their own cognition.

I think a year is long enough to have your standard issues removed from the necks of us plebes and slave class Janet. Your political extortion of businesses is abhorrent. How there isn’t a class action lawsuit against the Governor for abuse of power is beyond me. We have a system of checks and balances that the executive branch has recently taken to mean I can make executive orders and everyone has to follow them without question. This playing on the emotional reactions of fear and despair is downright evil and everyone should be demanding its cessation.

I’m not a small business owner, but I can only imagine having the proverbial Mafia gun to my businesses head; if you don’t put an enforcer at the door to keep out the lepers that want to buy your goods, we’ll take your license to sell anything. A good accountant could probably show the financial damages. We are begging you to stop pitting people against each other with social shame and fear tactics. The virus cannot be controlled at this point. It is here to stay. I think it’s pretty obvious that it was never really about stopping the spread anyway. 

If you spend your entire life in fear of and hiding from death, you’ll quickly find that death finds you anyway and your life will have gone unlived. 

Tysen Ober


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