Pine Tree Hospice volunteers spread holiday cheer
This holiday season, Pine Tree Hospice delivered over 200 cards to residents in nursing homes, residential facilities and senior apartments throughout the service area. It is always nice to have visits but this year, with family members and friends unable to visit, many seniors are feeling more alone. With that in mind Pine Tree Hospice, a non-medical volunteer hospice in Dover-Foxcroft, decided to make this time of year a little brighter.
When Pine Tree Hospice reached out to facilities about the idea we were met with enthusiasm and eagerness. These settings have had to think outside the box to create safe ways to add extra cheer this holiday season and were happy to have cards delivered. Every resident will get an extra visit as cards are delivered. For those that request or need extra assistance, their card will be opened and read to them and then displayed to add to the decorations in their room.
Pine Tree Hospice volunteers were also excited and stepped right up to fill out cards with festive messages. Once the cards were returned, Pine Tree Hospice got to delivering them, reaching all residents at Hibbard Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Dexter Health Care, Northern Light C.A. Dean Hospital, Pleasant Meadows Estates, Hilltop Manor, New Beginnings Residential Care and Assisted Living Facility and Thayer Parkway Apartments.
Volunteers are the heart of Pine Tree Hospice – not only as champions of the mission of the organization to provide nonmedical care, support and education to people journeying through progressive life-limiting illnesses, caregiving, and in bereavement but also in going the extra mile to do something special for others in our communities.
For more information about Pine Tree Hospice services please reach out to us at 207-802-8078 or info@pinetreehospice.org For inspiration or to share a story about how you or someone you know added a little cheer to someone’s day search “Serve A Neighbor” on Facebook.