Integrity plus energy plus dedication equals Contreni
To the Editor;
Margarita Contreni has dedicated herself to becoming an active citizen-volunteer in our town and county by being hard working like the folks of Piscataquis County.
She will bring her many experiences as a military brat, parent of six children, public school teacher and college administrator to her work for us. These experiences are the foundation of her many skills and talents, among those are a can-do attitude, gathering resources both human and financial, employing listening skills to build relationships among folks with different perspectives, patience and a sense of humor.
Margarita will use her life-long experiences as our District 119 representative in Augusta. Her priorities in Augusta will be based upon the issues of District 119 — job creation, expansion of high-speed internet, access to affordable healthcare, support for our rural schools and hospitals, roads in good repair and preservation of our pristine waters and beautiful woods.
I am voting for Margarita on Nov. 3 because of her dedication and involvement in my community and in our county. She depends upon the local citizenry to set priorities and to accomplish tasks and goals vital to our community. I know that Margarita will continue to carefully consider issues at the state level as she has in our community and county and act with integrity and caring and concern for all.
Kay Johnson
president of Friends of Wilson Ponds
Lower Wilson Pond, Greenville