The right conditions for prosperity to flourish
To the Editor;
The efforts of the group who helped distribute taxpayer-funded food to 850 households should be applauded. I’m thankful we live in a civilized society where there are programs to help people who find themselves threatened with hunger through no fault of their own.
How many people went to a drive-through for free food because of:
America’s middle class competing with the third world?
Excessive taxation caused by inefficent government spending?
Government working against us instead of for us?
Laws written for special interests instead of regular people?
Lobbyists who protect large, often foreign, corporations?
People who are in politics for all the wrong reasons?
How many did not want to be there, but were forced there for situations beyond their control?
We should always have a safety net in case free enterprise temporarily falls short. Our limited resources should be dedicated to helping our neighbors first. We should reject calls to bring more people here who will strain that safety net.
Long term, one of the ways to minimize the need for government assistance is by creating the right conditions for prosperity to flourish.
Sam Katz
Chair, Dover-Foxcroft Republican Committee