CMP billing problems
To the Editor;
Central Maine Power won’t address the over charging of power bills for January and February 2018, a time when other customers saw unusually high bills, prompting a Maine Public Utilities Commission investigation. While in Florida, my bill was over $300 each month, with the oil furnace set on 50 degrees and heat pump on 65. That is $10 a day with no one home, and then with the start of the March billing cycle on Feb. 20, it dropped from $5 a day on March 19 to 78 cents a day on March 20.
We were still in Florida and nothing changed in our home, and now we are home with everything on — hot water, heater, dryer, lights, heat pump and furnace — my power bill is around $3 a day. I have talked to the utilities commission and Central Maine Power with no help or adjustment on my $650 power bill for two months that must be paid or power will be turned off. I understand other customers are having the same problem with high power bills during this period also.
Vern Crane