Restore decency in politics
To the Editor;
It’s no secret to people who know me — I oppose Donald Trump on just about everything. But the erosion of basic human decency since the election is at a level I’ve never seen before. Children were taught to be kind: don’t bully, don’t call people names, and don’t hurt someone’s feelings. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Now name-calling and violence are applauded and sometimes encouraged. Proven lies mean nothing. Mean is acceptable. Many adults are saying absolutely hateful things and don’t care that children are listening.
As a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat, I was never a supporter of George Bush or Ronald Reagan, but they were never like Trump. I never felt the need to join resistance groups to protect our democracy, the middle class and the poor. They weren’t hateful, mean-spirited men.
I hope adults still want children to live in an America that values human decency, but I’m afraid we’re at a point of no return. We each need to decide what is acceptable — immediately.
Lynn Weston