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Band’s spring concert set for Sunday

    DEXTER — “The circus is coming!” This is the theme of the HJ Crosby Community Band of Dexter’s spring concert on Sunday, April 19 at the Dexter Town Hall at 2 p.m. The band will be performing, among other pieces, three circus tunes: the circus favorite “Circus Entry”, Heywood s. Jones’ “At the Circus” and Stephen Sondheim’s “Send in the Clowns.”

    Joining for these circus pieces will be several members of the Anah Shrine Band of Bangor, to commemorate Heywood Jones’ contributions to the Shrine Band. Jones was an earlier conductor of the Shrine Band and composed numerous marches for the band and the Shrine Circus. This May, at the invitation of the Anah Shrine as “Friends of the Shrine,” the HJ Crosby Community Band will perform these three pieces as a pre-show when the circus comes to the Cross Center in Bangor on May 2. This milestone is a big honor for the band, a member of the New Horizons International Music Association and the Association of Concert Bands.
    The Dexter Brass ensemble, as always, will also be playing at the concert, during the band’s brief intermission. They will be playing three arrangements, to include a special brass ensemble arrangement of Jay Unger’s “Lover’s Waltz.” This piece was arranged and is being performed at the request of one of the band’s many friends, for whom it holds strong memories of his wife and mother-in-law.

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