
Knows the real Sen. Alfond

To the Editor:
    Concerning the letter, “Selective Outrage at the Statehouse” in the April 1 edition of The Piscataquis Observer, is it possible that Andy Torbett is guilty of the same hypocrisy of which he accuses Sen. Justin Alfond?

    For all of his sarcasm of what he considers Sen. Alfond’s sins of omission in not calling out Democrats on certain issues (some of which probably should have been rightly criticized),
    I did not notice Mr. Torbett condemning or even criticizing Sen. Willette for his disgusting behavior. Does he approve of what Sen. Willette did?
    I am also puzzled by Mr. Torbett’s continuing bashing and demonization of Sen. Alfond, even rising to accusations, at times, that could be considered “class warfare” (which some Republicans often accuse Democrats of engaging in – hypocrisy again?).
    Justin Alfond was a student in my math class in Dexter in the late 1980s. He was a good student, worked hard, was well-liked by others, and never acted privileged or better than anyone else.
    If all that I knew about Sen. Alfond was from reading Mr. Torbett’s rants, I would certainly not know the real Sen. Alfond.
    Maybe Mr. Torbett should get to know Justin Alfond a little better.
    Just being on the opposite side of the political spectrum does not make someone a bad person.
    Many Republican legislators know this and refuse to demonize their opponents. I would suggest to Mr. Torbett that he raise the level of his discourse and stick to issues — not personal, highly partisan attacks.

Gordon Canning

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