GFWC/Miosacgets pictorial tour of Russia
DOVER-FOXCROFT — The GFWC/Miosac Club met at Thayer parkway on Nov. 19 with 15 members and one guest.
Betty Harvey introduced Sylvia Dean, who gave a pictorial tour of her trip to Russia. She said she had a mental picture of Russia as grey, cold and unfriendly, but found that was not the case. The tour was by ship and the saw the “real” people of Russia who were very friendly. There is some beautiful architecture and the ironwork was beautiful.
Contributed photo
GFWC/MIOSAC CLUB GUEST — Roxy McGlauflin, left, is shown with guest speaker Sylvia Dean.
President Betsey Ryan called the meeting to order. Pat Jones led the collect, the American’s Creed and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll call was taken followed by the secretary and treasurer’s report. Minnie McCormick reported that a picture of her accepting a check from Lynn Bailey from Will’s Shop and Save for $110.25 was in the GFWC Maine Fall Conference news.
Carol Kilpatrick reported that the Scouts had cleaned up Marion Doore Park. The club budget allows money for that and Carol suggested we take the same amount from the Marion Doore fund. The motion was approved and money will go to help the Scouts with expenses.
Minnie gave a report for Newborns In Need. She said that $1.625 was received for the Barbara Glover donation. A member of the Newport Women’s Club also made a donation and two members brought in baby items.
The whereabouts of the Traveling Basket was discussed.
Members donated money for the Kiwanis Christmas Collection. Three members will go shopping and others will be “elves” to tie up loose ends.
At the last meeting, members agreed to continue with the high school art contest to be held in the spring. The GFWC/Cosmopolitan Club is no longer able to take part.
The president informed the club that former member and past president Rozila Roberts had passed away at the age of 101. Four members attended the service. Many members did not know Rosie, who was president 1947-1949.
Vicki Moschella reported that she and State President Anne Cress had attended the 100th anniversary of the Research Club of Limerick.
The next meeting will be the club’s annual Christmas party. Members have drawn names and there will be a program. Members are asked to dress fancy or come as a Christmas character. Minnie McCormick and Diane Leighton are the hostesses.