GFWC/Miosac Club news
DOVER-FOXCROFT — GFWC/Miosac Club resumed meetings Oct. 1 with a full house. Sixteen members and six guests enjoyed a soup, breads and dessert prepared by the advisory committee. Guests introduced were Rheba Michaud, Barbara Brown, Cindy Goodine, Mae Thompson, Diane Williams and Dot Tonnick. A moment of silence was held in memory of member Barbara Glover.
Athalie Burke led the Club Collect, Americans Creed and Pledge of Allegiance. Diane Leighton took roll call and read the minutes of the last meeting. Carol Kilpatrick gave the treasurer’s report. Many members paid dues which are due by Dec. 1.
Roxy McGlauflin read an invitation to the GFWC Research Club of Limerick for their 100th anniversary, thank you’s from Jessica Curtain for the scholarship award, PRYMCA for the $200 presented to them and Pam Weatherbee for the continuing support on the Everett Fairbrother Scholarship.
President Betsey Ryan gave a report of her presenting the scholarship on awards night and how rewarding that was. She also reminded members of the fall conference Oct. 17-18 at the Black Bear Inn in Orono. Several members plan to attend.
In other business, Kilpatrick said she would contact the Boy Scouts to have them clean up the Marion Doore Park. Elaine Larson passed out the new program books and Ryan passed out the volunteer sheets.
A motion was made and seconded to do the traveling basket again this year. This is an in-house fundraiser and the money will go to Newborns In Need.
Ryan presented GFWC Maine State President and club member Ann Cress who spoke about what GFWC is all about and why it is important that club stay federated. This was a very informative program and good for the prospective new members to hear. Following that members departed for home. the next meeting will be Oct. 15 at 7.