
Senior Network celebrates a half decade

By Stuart Hedstrom 
Staff Writer

    DOVER-FOXCROFT — For five years area senior citizens have able to get together to share food and company, and hear from various weekly guest speakers, during bi-weekly meetings of Senior Network. On May 2 the program celebrated its fifth anniversary at its current home in the Community Rom of the Morton Avenue Municipal Building.

    After a cake was brought out and those in attendance, including several dozen seniors, volunteers and several community representatives, sang “happy birthday to us,” Nancy Matulis said, “I have to say this has been a great five years. I hope we continue to grow and that is all because of you” she said to those present. Matulis also thanked the town of Dover-Foxcroft for enabling use of space in the Community Room, the second home of Senior Network which began meeting at the Piscataquis Regional YMCA.
    “Thank you to all the speakers and the speakers to come,” Joan Shapleigh said, as over the years Senior Network attendees have heard from representatives of nearly every facet of the community.
    Sue Mackey Andrews mentioned how Senior Network meets on Mondays in the late morning, with a meal provided in partnership with Community Cafe — in exchange for a small donation. “That’s our game day, she said. “There’s a variety of things people can do,” Matulis added, with Scrabble and jigsaw puzzles among the popular activities.
    “Then Thursday’s a potluck lunch day, and usually with a speaker,” Mackey Andrews said about the second weekly meeting of Senior Network, which other than the Monday meal donation is provided at no charge for participants.

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