4 years ago
Vote yes on Question 1 to provide a digital bridge for rural Maine
My two children attend elementary school in East Millinocket, and when we received word that we would be remote learning for the remainder of the school year because of COVID-19, I was worried. I was not thinking about my kids, who have devices and good internet access. I was thinking about the 40 to 50 percent of students in our local high school and elementary school that did not have dependable access to online learning materials. For some of those students who could “access” the internet, they did so on a parent’s cellphone.
4 years ago
Vote for Davis
I write to encourage your readers to support Paul Davis in the July 14 primary to be the Republican candidate for the Maine Senate for Piscataquis County. When you think about qualities we want in our elected leaders -- integrity, experience, prudence, maturity and pragmatism -- there is no other candidate in this race who can bring those to Augusta on our behalf. Davis’ knowledge of the state’s operations and governance have served us well in his daily work on behalf of his constituents, our neighbors.
4 years ago
Reelect Sen. Davis  
My purpose in writing today is simply to give my whole hearted support to Sen. Paul Davis’ re-election.  Having previously served in the Senate seat that Paul now holds I know how important Paul’s  personal qualities and leadership style are to his constituents.  Paul is a man of great integrity and honesty who has strived mightily and with great success to represent the people of his district without regard to political affiliation or other demographic.
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