4 years ago Try your hand at a memoir By Nancy Battick The New England Historic Genealogical Society is asking members and visitors to write a piece for their new project, Ancestor Strong, which honors ancestors who survived tough times.
4 years ago There’s a worker shortage, it’s time for enhanced unemployment benefits to end By Matthew Gagnon Wednesday morning I spoke with the manager of a local business who was in an absolutely desperate situation: He needs people to come to work, and he can’t find anyone.
4 years ago Finding the bright side in a flooded basement By David Farmer When my wife yelled upstairs from the basement that we had a problem Tuesday morning, my first thought went to the ducks.
4 years ago I’m a conservative. Here’s why I got the COVID vaccine. By Matthew Gagnon On Monday, I drove to the Walmart in Skowhegan to receive my second shot of the Moderna vaccine, making me — in two weeks, at least — fully vaccinated.
4 years ago Supporting Land for Maine’s Future is one of the best things we can do By David Farmer Supporting the Land for Maine’s Future program is one of the best things that we can do for our environment, for our economy and for people.
4 years ago Letting go By Nancy Battick My husband and I are in the process of renovating parts of our 196-year-old farmhouse.
4 years ago Vaccination refusal is selfish individualism By Bill Farthing In the April 29 BDN, columnist Matt Gagnon asks, in regard to the COVID pandemic and government-imposed restrictions: When will all this be over? When can we return to normal? He dismisses various criteria that have been suggested, such as reducing deaths to a low point, because the government has not specified a precise goal.
4 years ago Encouraging harvest as a fisheries management tool is bad science By Bob Mallard I was disappointed, but unfortunately not surprised, to find a newsletter from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife in my inbox recently titled: “Consider harvesting your catch.
4 years ago Breaking the stranglehold of fear To the Editor; Cursory searches will lead people to these data presented.
4 years ago The economy is recovering, without jobs and recovery plans By Matthew Gagnon This week, Gov.