2 years ago Conflicts happen By Nancy Battick In my previous column I discussed the need to weigh information when there are conflicts in birthdates or places in commonly used genealogical records particularly death records.
2 years ago Maine needs a strong paid family and medical leave program To the Editor; I live in Milo, where I own and operate a small trucking business.
2 years ago Protect elderly and disabled Mainers To the Editor; Maine law requires that medical, mental health, and social services personnel immediately report or cause a report to be made to the Maine Department of Health and Human Services when the provider knows or has reasonable cause to suspect that a child has been or is likely to be abused or neglected or that a suspicious child death has occurred.
2 years ago A right to hunting is meant to be covered by Maine’s new ‘right to food’ amendment By Billy Bob Faulkingham, R-Winter Harbor Last year Virginia Parker and her husband sued the state of Maine, asserting that the ban on Sunday hunting is unconstitutional under Maine’s Right to Food Amendment, which I helped to pass.
2 years ago Debt ceiling hasn’t slowed government spending By Matthew Gagnon Another debt ceiling showdown is coming in Congress, and I don’t care.
2 years ago Telehealth only works with high-speed internet To the Editor; For many, telehealth has been a revelation since the onset of the pandemic with its usage increasing by 38 times its pre-pandemic levels.
2 years ago Wildfire impact To the Editor; Reports that much of Maine is at high risk for wildfires are reminder that it is not just humans’ lives and homes that are threatened.
2 years ago Newspapers must adapt or die By Matthew Gagnon Two weeks ago Reade Brower, who owns virtually every newspaper in circulation in Maine, announced that he was considering selling his empire.
2 years ago Finding peace, the Maine way By Lee Umphrey Twenty-five years ago, I was in Belfast, Northern Ireland, for the Good Friday Accords.
2 years ago Day of Atonement To the Editor; During the month of May most will have visited and decorated the graves of loved ones who have passed.
2 years ago Legislature was right to close out of state waste loophole To the Editor; The fact is Casella Waste had been profiting by filling Maine’s landfill with bulky waste imported from other states.
2 years ago Weighing evidence By Nancy Battick If you’re a juror, weighing evidence is part of the job.
2 years ago Inflation Reduction Act will help older Mainers afford their medicine and reduce the deficit By U.
2 years ago Democrats passed a responsible state budget To the Editor; The recent column by Matt Gagnon arguing that Republicans should walk away from budget negotiations is misguided and does a disservice to Mainers.