Letters to the Editor
4 years ago
Voting is strongest tool in a democracy 
According to the U. S. Census Bureau, Maine has the highest number of registered voters as a percentage of the state’s population (77%) when compared to all of the other states. We also earn high marks for voter participation in primary and general elections. Yet, in the 2018 midterm election, statewide voter turnout was only 59%. Is that considered a good turnout?! What does it say about us as citizens when more than a third of us won’t even weigh in on the shaping of our State and Federal governments?
4 years ago
How does Piscataquis County reopen when it was barely open to begin with? 
Sen. Paul Davis represents District 4, and he recently published a joint letter with Reps. Higgins, Stearns and Foster about reopening the Penquis region. In response, my mother, who is immunocompromised, wrote him about her concerns of pushing ahead too quickly against the advice of medical experts. My mother received a reply, telling her to stay safe, but that “people are hungry” and “need to get back to work.” This very typical response fails to address key issues.
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