2 years ago Thankful for Stephen and Tabitha King’s generosity To the Editor; Thank you to Stephen and Tabitha King.
2 years ago A summer football suggestion for the Shrine Bowl To the Editor; A high school all-star football game in the middle of July is hardly a news popper.
3 years ago Matthew Gagnon column on colleges further divides us To the Editor; In his recent column “Colleges are too liberal and it is hurting their enrollment,” Matthew Gagnon seems to paint a moderate assessment of the political environment at American universities.
3 years ago Political landscape, not universities, have changed To the Editor; I certainly hope that, as a graduate student in economics, Matthew Gagnon is more careful in reporting his research than he has been in writing his recent opinion piece.
3 years ago Loon call video To the Editor; An article in last week’s Observer highlighted the four different calls which we hear loons making.
3 years ago Helping people impacted by opioid crisis re-enter workforce To the Editor; As the opioid epidemic impacts the unemployment rates and vacant jobs in Maine, part of Eastern Maine Development Corporation’s focus is to assist people affected by the opioid crisis by helping them return and remain in the workforce.
3 years ago Broadband connecting communities after COVID challenges To the Editor; In my role helping communities for Eastern Maine Development Corporation, I see firsthand how the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated a lot of issues in the rural heart of Northern Maine.
3 years ago Criminal flavored tobacco ban will only fuel Illicit market To the Editor; According to recent government data, use of tobacco among kids is at historic lows.
3 years ago Eroding the ‘wall of separation’ between church and state To the Editor: As a retired superintendent of schools in Salem, Connecticut, I followed our district policy not to pay tuition to parochial schools.
3 years ago Support cultivated meat To the Editor; I was happy to learn that the San Francisco-based company Eat Just is planning to build the world’s biggest cultivated-meat factory in the United States.
3 years ago Product safety issue To the Editor; My heart aches for all the victims and their families of the recent mass shootings involving assault rifles and high capacity magazines.
3 years ago Look to history before we repeat it To the Editor; “Two things only the people anxiously desire — bread and circuses.
3 years ago Towns buying shuttered trash plant is a mistake To the Editor; After reading the article in the Bangor Daily News on June 16 about Maine towns becoming the owners of the Hampden trash plant, I have one question: Why? As I recall, the trash plant used new technology intended to sort incoming trash into several categories to sell in the recycling market.
3 years ago Help available through Project Rachel To the Editor; Way too many women are talked into, or are forced into getting an abortion.
3 years ago Use schools as evening warming shelters To the Editor; The state governor and federal government should mandate public schools be open for public warming areas for evening and night time use.
3 years ago No place for AR-15 in our society To the Editor; What is more dangerous, a man with a gun or a man without a gun? Disarming a man that is acting dangerously always comes first.
3 years ago Blame the person, not inanimate objects To the Editor; What is to be done when students in a public school perpetrate sexual violence on a peer? It’s complex in order to protect the alleged victim at the same time authorities must protect the rights of the accused.