7 years ago
For over 150 years the Grange has made life better for farmers and the average citizen
The Grange is now just over 150 years old. On Dec. 4, 1867, sitting around a plain wooden table in Washington, D.C., seven men organized the Grange. They were all men of vision -- had faith in God, their fellow man and the future. Their focus was on agriculture and the principle that life would not exist without farming. From these humble beginnings, a fraternal order known as the Patrons of Husbandry was born.
7 years ago
The plight of Small Town Maine
Rural Maine, Small Town Maine, and Farm Town Maine, are slowly decaying into their own landscape. The greater sadness is that the factors to their demise are beyond the control of Small Town Maine. No, this is not even the tale of little communities who cannot keep up with the changing times or technologies; but instead, is the story, to often told in Maine, of bureaucratic government’s abuse, corruption, and overreach and the cowardice of those, who should, to curtail it.
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