
Maine’s 1st of its kind regional high school has tentative plan for governance board

A helpful owl controls rats and gets friendly with livestock on this D-F farm

Versant Power customers will see 89 percent spike in power supply rate

Cards recognize those who served

D-F Kiwanis and D-F Congregational Church team up to help families at Christmas

UScellular seeks nonprofits serving youth to apply for free hotspots

Maine Credit Unions’ Campaign for Ending Hunger launches Holiday Meals for Mainers

At Home, Furniture, Appliance, and Bedding Chamber ribbon cutting Nov. 18

Gov. Mills allocates millions to weatherize homes and boost clean energy careers

MaineCF celebrates 35 years of the Piscataquis County Fund

SBA announces nearly $205M in Maine through signature lending programs

Lives and legacies of Alfond and Flanagan celebrated by Maine State Chamber

Two bills from Evans approved by Legislative Council

Building that houses Greenville dental office to be demolished after 40 years

D-F Kiwanis and D-F Congregational Church team up to help families at Christmas

Inaugural Cyc-la-thon raises $29,300 for Community Fitness