
Six graduate from CNA program, achieve certification

Nonprofit wants to build affordable housing in Greenville

UMA teacher leaves job to represent people who can’t afford lawyers

Bangor drag queen troupe schedule 1st show in Dover-Foxcroft

Find what you need at Thompson Free Library

Acadia FCU offers $6,000 in scholarships to 2023 graduating seniors

County Democrats food drive on Saturday

The fight coming in Maine over the ‘right to repair’

Local projects part of $34M awarded to expand broadband through Connect the Ready program

Piscataquis County healthcare boards welcome new members

MaineCF invites grant proposals from Piscataquis County nonprofits

Greenville resolution to benefit climate change project funding

Angus King stops in Dover-Foxcroft to learn how $518K will help food center and youth

KC’s Country Store youth deer contest winner

Piscataquis County is asking students to design a logo for the county

Dexter airport project to receive funding boost