
Land Use Planning Commission studies short-term rentals

Maine politicians try to kill law shielding records on hazardous rail shipments

Moose Mainea 5K/10K walk/run race sign-up underway

Tremble promoted to Maine Savings FCU vice president of community engagement and impact

JD Foundation’s annual walk for suicide prevention set for June 3

Whitney’s Variety grand opening/ribbon cutting

Dollar General opens in Dexter

Dexter council adjusts marijuana ordinance

McLaughlin named 2023 Piscataquis County Teacher of the Year

Two Maine companies teaming up on new baseball bat copying machine

Maine hospital system has nearly solved its EMT shortage

Harrigan Learning Center and Museum will be opening for the season

UMaine School of Forest Resources named PCSWCD Outstanding Conservation Educator of the Year

Good Shepherd Food Bank appoints O’Connor as interim president

Maine Connectivity Authority launches new program to support broadband utility districts

Northern Light CA Dean Hospital employees recognized for nursing excellence