5 years ago
Pollinators! event Aug. 16
Pollinators are vital to food production all over the world. In Maine, examples of well-known pollinators include butterflies, birds, beetles and of course, bees. In June, the Piscataquis County Soil and Water Conservation District (PCSWCD) worked with local volunteers to plant its “Pollinator Sunflower Garden,” a garden space for the public to enjoy, observe and learn about native pollinators. In celebration of this new addition to the Law Farm, the PCSWCD will be holding a free Pollinators! event on Friday, Aug. 16 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Law Farm.
5 years ago
Retired educator news
Eighteen members of the Piscataquis County Retired Educators met Tuesday, June 25 for a delicious luncheon at The Lakeshore House. Registered Maine Guide and founder of Actor Earth Ways Wendy Weiger shared information on transforming lives while healing Earth. She offers programs on mindful nature walks, nature-focused meditation and celebrations of the seasons. She recently has authored her first book “Heaven Beneath Our Feet.” Though her job at the Appalachian Trail Center in Monson focuses on educating trail hikers, she shared a dozen or more helpful tips for safe, doable hikes for retirees.
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