
Gift from late philanthropist Dr. Buck helps CA Dean complete capital campaign

Kiwanis serves the community all year long

Dover-Foxcroft Historical Society presentation Jan. 26

PCES pandemic memory book honored

Masons provide 250 meals with Santa Project

Dirigo Reads to add schools for 2022-23

Healthy Living for ME to offer National Diabetes Prevention Program

Androscoggin Home Healthcare + Hospice announces acquisition of Care & Comfort

Tisbury Manor’s book is published

$3.5M in scholarships awarded through MaineCF in 2021

Moosehead Lake Kiwanis Club makes Christmas wishes come true

Dover Low Vision Group meets Jan. 7

Long-time thespian and Center Theatre board member honored

Annual Christmas food boxes assembled for Dexter community

AARP Maine launches grassroots program to spur broadband connection at local levels

Diocesan website launches Christmas section