
Dexter Age-Friendly Committee welcomes pair of Lifelong Maine AmeriCorps members

Bishop Deeley joins Pope Francis in Act of Consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Migration fueled another year of population growth in Maine in 2021

Sebec Village Associates creating welcoming gift bags

Greenville parish to join Act of Consecration of Russia and Ukraine on Friday

Herrick recognized for half century of American Legion membership

Hope springs into action with NAMI Maine

Applicants sought for Minnie Welts Bridge Memorial Scholarship

Annual screenings find lung cancer and stop it in its tracks

Pine Tree Hospice supports caregivers

3,000 additional monthly senior food boxes now available

AARP Maine announces Virtual Listening Tour

GFWC/Miosac Club news

Diocese of Portland removes strong recommendation for masks at Masses in Maine churches

Give a Dog a Home Rescue partners with Petco Love to ‘Give Pets Their Best Shot’ during National Pet Vaccination Month

Stations of the Cross set for Holy Family Parish throughout Lent