
National touring piano project comes to Dover-Foxcroft

Maine home sales rose in August despite tight supply

Pianist Schwab in concert Sept. 28

Northern Light CA Dean and Mayo Hospitals announce fall flu shot clinics

Moosehead ATV Riders fundraising supper

Rhoda honored with Rich Family Association scholarship

Ralph & Joyce Harvey offer fundraiser challenge for Guilford Historical Society

Calendar of events

Unusual spiral cedar trees in Dover-Foxcroft

MaineCF scholarships recognize emerging college leaders

Milo continues to look at potential Village Partnership Initiative

Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife honors Skolfield and Conover Bennet with Fly Rod Crosby Lifetime Outdoor Achievement Awards

Living Innovations creates community garden at PCSWCD’s Law Farm

Maine reaches key milestone for expanding reliable broadband

How to say Maine’s most difficult-to-pronounce place names

Here are the coolest things Mainers have found at their town dump